Assembly of 227 pediatric institutions! WPDA’s Council Representative Meeting kicks off in Chengdu

Time:Aug 17, 2023

The 6th/7th Director's Representative Conference, Chairman's Meeting, and 7th Alliance Office Meeting of the Western Pediatric Development Alliance (WPDA) for the 2022-2023 were held in Chengdu, Sichuan from April 27 to 28. The event was co-hosted by the Western Pediatric Development Alliance and the Sichuan Medical and Health Promotion Institute, and organized by the CWCCH, the rotating chair hospital of the Alliance.

At the opening ceremony of the Council Representative Conference held on the morning of April 28, Professor Li Anmao, previous Rotating Chair of the Alliance and President of Xi'an Children's Hospital, as well as Professor Lin Yonghong, current Rotating Chair of the Alliance and Secretary of the Party Committee of CWCCH, along with other relevant leaders, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.

The academic sharing session of this conference featured five forums, with 35 expert speakers from the Alliance's member units sharing their cutting-edge achievements and practical experiences in their respective fields. As the host of the conference, CWCCH sent 10 key disciplinary experts to participate in the academic sharing of all five forums. It can be called as the most prestigious and distinguished "expert team" in this conference.

The Western Pediatric Development Alliance was established in August 2017, with Children's Hospital of Chongqing Medical University serving as the chair and first rotating chair unit. There are 7 vice chair units, 8 executive director units, and 209 director units, making a total of 227 alliance member units from 13 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions including Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, and Shaanxi.