About Us

Chengdu Women’s and Children's Central Hospital (CWCCH) is a national tertiary maternal and children medical healthcare organization, integrated from Chengdu OB/GYN Hospital (Chengdu No.9 People’s Hospital), Chengdu Maternal and Children Healthcare Institution, Chengdu Children’s Hospital and Chengdu Family Planning Institution, with medical services, healthcare, scientific research, as well as training and teaching. The hospital is a quality service unit of national maternal and child safety, the referral and treatment center for critical and severe pregnant women and newborns in Sichuan Province and Chengdu, shouldering the core responsibilities of women and children medical and healthcare services in the whole Greater Chengdu, with the diagnosis and treatment of 2.82 million person times, the delivery number of more than 14,300 newborns, the inpatient operation of more than 35,000 times, and the discharge of 104,000 person times in 2023. It is also an affiliated hospital of Medicine School, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) and a teaching hospital affiliated to Chongqing Medical University (CMU). In the recent performance appraisal of national tertiary maternal and child health institutions, CWCCH ranks Top 8 nationwide and No.1 in the province with A++ level; and in the 2022 performance appraisal of national tertiary public Hospitals (Obstetrics and Gynecology sequence), it ranks 19 in China.

Covering a total building area of 221,459 ㎡, with 1840 licensed beds, there are 3136 in- service personnel in the hospital, 739 with postgraduate degree or above and 700 with senior professional title. In CWCCH, is 1 expert with special allowance from The State Council,1 expert included in the “Tianfu Prestigious Doctors” Program; there are 23 academic and technique leaders and backup leaders of provincial level,  2 leading talents of Provincial Health Committee, 4 Provincial Master of Clinical Skills and 1 provincial prestigious TCM doctors; there are 39 standing members above national specialist committees, 29 vice chairman members above provincial specialist committees; 3 doctoral supervisors  and 53 master’s supervisors and, 13 part- time master’s supervisors of Chongqing Medical University; and 5 post-doctoral researchers in the station.

CWCCH has two National Clinical Medical Research Center for Child Health and Disease Collaborative Innovation core member units, and is a China Children's Health and Disease Clinical Medical Research Center Rheumatism and immunity alliance vice chairman unit, a national standardized training base for residents, a national demonstration base for early childhood development, the first batch of single repair base for pulmonary function, autism diagnosis intervention training demonstration base, a good clinical practice (GCP), Anti- epileptic Society Level II Epilepsy Center; Sichuan Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base, and a provincial standardized training base for specialized physicians and nurses.

During the 13th Five- Year Plan, CWCCH has 232 domestic scientific research programs and got a total of foundation of RMB 8.97 million Yuan. The staffs in CWCCH published 1539 papers in journals of statistic resources, among which 154 are indexed by SCI, among which there are two published on the subsidiary periodical of Lancet and The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) respectively, and have obtained 53 patents for utility models and 4 copyrights of computer software. In 14th Five- Year Plan, in 2021, CWCCH has 81 newly approved scientific research programs, published 279 papers in journals among which 104 are indexed by SCI, obtained 172 patents for utility models,1 invention patents, and 4 copyrights. In 2022, published 567 papers in journals among which 41 are indexed in Zhonghua Series, 147 A level journals; 157 are indexed by SCI, the number of SCI papers breaking through more than 100 in two consecutive years. 8 of the SCI papers’ impact factor are above 10, among which the highest IF reaches 25.617 and the total IF is 967.508.

CWCCH has formed a whole full life cycle industrial chain with medical care, healthcare, scientific research and teaching, covering reproductive health, pregnancy, delivery, newborn, children growth and development, women healthcare. The diagnosis and treatment scale and technological level of obstetric, gynecologic and pediatric diseases ranks top among its counterparts in Southwest China. The clinical pregnancy rate and live birth rate of human reproductive assist technology cycle in our hospital has reached 77.78%, and the treatment technology of bilateral uterine artery embolization for dangerous placenta previa and postpartum hemorrhage has reached the leading level in China. The minimum weight for the treatment of premature infants is only 410g and the minimum gestational age is only 24 weeks.

CWCCH continues to promote international cooperation and has established a good and in- depth cooperative relationship with internationally renowned medical universities and medical teams in clinical diagnosis and treatment, personnel training and health research with Cincinnati Children's Medical Center, University of California San Diego Medical Center in the U.S. etc. To strengthen the project of "attracting professionals and intellectual resources", CWCCH have selected more than 30 well- known international and domestic experts as guest professors, including Prof. Alexander Teichmann, winner of the Chinese Government Friendship Award, Prof. Ma Ding, member of CAE, and Prof. Ding Jie, Professor from Peking University First Hospital, to guide us regularly. Nearly 100 professional backbones have been selected and sent abroad for further study advanced diagnosis and treatment technology and management experience in well- known medical colleges and institutions in the United States, United Kingdom., Israel and other countries or regions. The level of hospital management and the ability of diagnosis and treatment services have been continuously improved.

CWCCH has improved the maternal and child health service system in Chengdu, by implementing standardized management, and promoted the homogenization of maternal and child services in Chengdu. We have set up the first obstetric internal medicine platform in Chengdu to improve the diagnosis and treatment ability of pregnancy complicated with other internal diseases. Besides, we established the Chengdu Maternal and Child Health Alliance to promote the sharing of high- quality maternal and child health resources throughout the city. CWCCH performs the municipal public health functions by constructing a “1+4+N” framework of women and children medical treatment combination, regulating and promoting the women and children health capacity in grass- root. We have gradually realized the municipal government’s goals of diagnosis and treatment of women and children’s serious diseases without going out of county, and contributed to lower the maternal and neonatal mortality year by year, achieving the advanced level of developed countries.

By the year of 2025, CWCCH will have transformed from a clinical healthcare institution to a national top and international well- known maternal and children healthcare institution integrated with clinical, healthcare, scientific research and teaching developing together. As a backbone maternal and children health care institution in Greater Chengdu region, CWCCH aims to become a warm obstetric table, a stable cradle for the infants, and a shelter for women and children health.